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  • 进口S341S耐磨尘气蝶阀


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Mcville Industrial Group's Wear-resistant Dust Butterfly Valve


Mcville Industrial Group is a professional enterprise engaged in the research, development, manufacturing, and sales of industrial valves. The company has advanced production equipment and technology, and is committed to providing customers with high-quality valve products and services. Among them, the wear-resistant dust butterfly valve is one of the company's important products.


The wear-resistant dust butterfly valve is a valve used to control the flow of gas, liquid, and solid particles. It is composed of valve body, valve plate, sealing ring, transmission mechanism, and other components. The valve body is made of high-strength cast iron or steel plate welding, and the surface is specially treated, with good corrosion resistance and wear resistance. The valve plate is made of stainless steel or wear-resistant alloy materials, with high wear resistance and corrosion resistance. The sealing ring is made of high elastic materials such as silicone rubber or fluorine rubber, with good sealing performance and corrosion resistance. The transmission mechanism can be selected according to customer needs, such as manual, electric, pneumatic, etc.


The wear-resistant dust butterfly valve has the following characteristics:

1. 耐磨性好:阀体和阀板采用耐磨材料制成,具有较高的耐磨性,可适用于高速流动的介质。

1. Good wear resistance: The valve body and valve plate are made of wear-resistant materials, with high wear resistance, and can be used for high-speed flowing media.

2. 密封性好:密封圈采用高弹性材料制成,具有良好的密封性,可适用于高温、高压、腐蚀性介质。

2. Good sealing performance: The sealing ring is made of high elastic materials, with good sealing performance, and can be used for high temperature, high pressure, and corrosive media.

3. 操作灵活:传动机构采用手动、电动、气动等方式,可根据客户需求进行选择,操作灵活方便。

3. Flexible operation: The transmission mechanism can be selected according to customer needs, such as manual, electric, pneumatic, etc., and the operation is flexible and convenient.

4. 结构简单:阀门结构简单,体积小,重量轻,易于安装和维护。

4. Simple structure: The valve has a simple structure, small size, light weight, and is easy to install and maintain.

5. 适用范围广:可适用于化工、石油、电力、冶金、制药、食品等行业的流体控制。

5. Wide range of applications: It can be used for fluid control in industries such as chemical, petroleum, electric power, metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, and food.


Application scenarios of wear-resistant dust butterfly valve:

1. 化工行业:用于控制化工介质的流动,如酸、碱、盐等。

1. Chemical industry: Used to control the flow of chemical media, such as acids, alkalis, salts, etc.

2. 石油行业:用于控制石油、天然气等介质的流动。

2. Petroleum industry: Used to control the flow of petroleum, natural gas, and other media.

3. 电力行业:用于控制热力发电、核电等介质的流动。

3. Power industry: Used to control the flow of thermal power generation, nuclear power, and other media.

4. 冶金行业:用于控制冶金矿物、金属等介质的流动。

4. Metallurgical industry: Used to control the flow of metallurgical minerals, metals, and other media.

5. 制药行业:用于控制制药原料、制剂等介质的流动。

5. Pharmaceutical industry: Used to control the flow of pharmaceutical raw materials, preparations, and other media.

6. 食品行业:用于控制食品、饮料等介质的流动。

6. Food industry: Used to control the flow of food, beverages, and other media.


